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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
HIMGANGE ayurvedic oil 3, 5
HIMGANGE ayurvedic oil +hil 5
HIMGANGE ayurvedic tel 3, 5
HIMJOYTI COOL ayurvedic oil 3
HIMRAHAT ayurvedic oil 5
HIMSAGAR ayurvedic tel 5
HUNGREE ayurvedic +boy 5
HYGIEA ayurvedic +leaf 5
J.M ayurvedic tooth powder 3
JAGAT ayurvedic tel +man 5
JDM ayurvedic psoriasis 44
JEEVESS ayurvedic wellness 43
JUNNARKAR'S ayurvedic healt 3, 5
K KASHI KAMRATH ayurvedic 5
KABJ CURE ayurvedic medicin 5
KALANS ayurvedic soap 5
KASTHOORI manjal ayurvedic 3, 5
KOFO-vin ayurvedic +man 5
KOSMIC ayurvedic products 5
KUMKUMADI ayurvedic beauty 3
LOREN herbal ayurvedic 5
M.P.A.-1 ayurvedic medicine 5
MEDIMIX ayurvedic soap 3
MEHARBAN ayurvedic oil +man 5
MEHARUBHA ayurvedic mehandi 3
MENSULINE ayurvedic medicin 5
MYKEEL ayurvedic +man 5
NATURACID ayurvedic +man 32
NAVSAGAR ayurvedic OIL 3, 5
NEEMZ ayurvedic skin lotion 5
ayurvedic 5
OKJI ayurvedic tea +woman 30
OLIVERA ayurvedic body oil 5
OM ayurvedic BODY SHOP +sun 44
ORBIT herbal & ayurvedic 3
PADAAV speciality ayurvedic 5
PALASH kerala ayurvedic 42
PANCHARATNA ayurvedic oil 3
PANKAJAKASTHURI ayurvedic 5, 42
PANKAJASTHURI ayurvedic pur 3
REJUVIN ayurvedic medicine 5
RELAX ayurvedic medicine 5
RUBNOL ayurvedic pain relie 5
RUCHIKAR ayurvedic medicine 5
RULAX ayurvedic laxative 5
S SPANS ayurvedic co. +plan 5
SADAYUSH ayurvedic cure car 5
SAKTHI ayurvedic +goddess 3
SARAL ayurvedic +sun 5
SARDI JA ayurvedic 5
SHALIMAR'S ayurvedic jasmin 3
SHIKONA ayurvedic oil +arcs 3
SURYA ayurvedic +sun 5
TEJAS ayurvedic face pack 3
TOP mint ayurvedic medicine 5
URIDOX ayurvedic medicine 5
VARNICA ayurvedic soap 3
VARNIRAJ ayurvedic hair oil 3
VAS VASAN ayurvedic sanstha 5
VASMOL YOGIRAAJ ayurvedic 3, 5
VITHOBA ayurvedic +man 5
WALKWELL ayurvedic 5
YDM ayurvedic +woman 5
YOGA ayurvedic soap 3
ZECUF ayurvedic +plant 5
ZINDA tel ayurvedic +man 5
a athreya ayurvedic 3
dant rakshak ayurvedic 3
dr. DIPA'S ayurvedic +flowe 5
power ayurvedic aushadhi 5
sarv kastharan ayurvedic 5
shree SHANKER ayurvedic +go 5
swasthya ayurvedic +pot 5
H-15 ayurvedica 5
A OZONE ayurvedics +leaf 5
KAV kottakkal ayurvedics 3, 5, 42
SIMA ayurvedics +flower ova 5
VISHWAS ayurvedics 5
ayush RAJWADI +oval & stars 31
AZADI ayush +plants 1
AVP ayushman +plants & oval 3, 5, 3
az 1, 29
az ARIZONA jean co. +circle 25
az STING casuals +arrow 25
BCAL-az 5
MARK-az 5
NIMOL-aza 5
OZONEEM aza +leaf 5
azaana 25
KING OF RICE azad brand +ma 30
AZAGRO azadirachtin based e 16
RUH-e-azam 30
MUSAFFI azeeb 5
AZEX azithromycin +arcs 5
azucar 80 6
UTAH azz +ball 28
b 5, 6, 9, 14, 16, 25, 29, 30, 43
b & c GAS EQUIPMENT +square 12
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